Cleaning Service for your Business – Guide to success!

Hello friends, today we are going to present you 5 step process of finding the perfect cleaning service for your business. We hope that will help you, as you may know maintaining a clean and beautiful office is always a key to riches. So let’s start!

First step: Get the prices!

As your business is either small or big you need prices to compare. You have to know that the serious companies will visit you at the place and then give an offer! After they give you pricing, ask them for list of key services that they provide and discounts for bundling them with your initial offer. Most of the bigger companies out there will provide vacuuming, mopping and so on…

Second step: Ask them for insurance.

Well it is necessary to have insurance. Just ask them to show you that proof. If they do not have it, well someone else will have insurance and your money, right?

Third step: Just read the contract.

Well … booooooring! But read it, still. Please! Most of the cleaning companies will have secret things in contracts (can you believe it?) Just read, look for trial period at least one – two times before you sign. After all it will be no problem for them, if they are respective, right?

Forth step: Ask for referrals from other companies.

Well that is easy, just enter the cleaning company site and look for clients (past and active) call them and ask them. You will find them very honest and you will see that not everything is rouses… The side benefit is that you will know some companies CEOs or personal. It is helpful, if you are just moving in the city.

Fifth step (last): Look for experience.

After all if there is 5 clients that say “This company is amazing” but is a year old, reconsider. A year old company is willing to do everything to get you, but it is not stable, you do not want to spend much time to look for new one every year, right?

So, that’s it. Thanks for reading.